Education Management

Students, staff members, meetings, or deadlines, tackle all without a sweat.

Developed by: Zoho Corporation
800+ Installs
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When you're at the helm of an educational institution, you have a lot on your plate. From dealing with a myriad of students and staff requests to multiple meetings and deadlines, tackle them all without breaking a sweat.

Key Features:

  • Maintain details of your students in your school/college, the members of staff, courses and schedules, department details, and more.
  • Let students and members of the faculty log in to their own portals to update their profile details.
  • Give your faculty a dashboard so they can send reminder emails to students, allocate projects, and see their notifications.
  • Set up a student dashboard so they can view and register for courses, email their supervisors for clarifications, and check project deadlines.

With six themes and custom icons for your forms and reports, personalize this education management application as you like it. We've optimized this app for your mobile browsers, but you can also download our native apps for iOS, Android and Apple Watch.


Published date Mar 27, 2017
Version 1.0
Category Education
Pricing Free
Vendor Website

Compatible Editions

  • Standard
  • Professional
  • Enterprise

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