ANAF Romania for Zoho CRM

Easily get the financial data of any Romanian company

Built for: CRM Developed by: Svennis Cloud Solutions
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Initiate a search for any company registered in Romania on the ANAF (National Agency for Fiscal Administration) Romania database using the company's Fiscal ID (ANAF_CUI) field from Zoho CRM's Leads or Accounts modules. Fetch all the information regarding the last financial exercise related to that company including revenue, profit/loss, number of employees, liability, company status (active or inactive), its legal address, and more. Update all the searched information in Zoho CRM's Leads or Accounts modules with a single click using the custom fields created by this extension. Use these fields later to easily categorize your customers.

Key Features:

  • Insert the CIF (Company Fiscal ID) in the ANAF_CUI field to immediately search for all financial info reported for the last financial exercise by that specific company.
  • Select which financial info you want to update in Zoho CRM's Leads or Accounts modules.
  • Use all these updated fields to segment your Zoho CRM leads or accounts and run targeted campaigns.
  • Prioritize your work with the help of the most recent and correct financial information about your leads and accounts, brought to you from the National Agency for Fiscal Administration Romania database.


Deployment type Zoho platform
Published date Sep 26, 2021
Version 3.0
Category Sales
Pricing Paid
Vendor Website

Compatible Editions

  • Standard
  • Professional
  • Enterprise
  • CRM Plus
  • Zoho One
  • Ultimate

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