The CloudCTI extension increases efficiency. You can set up a call just by clicking the associated phone numbers in Zoho CRM. Manually dialing the correct number takes up time. Accidentally dialing the wrong number takes even more. If you can click to dial, you will never call the wrong person again and increase productivity with the time you save. On inbound calls, the CloudCTI extension improves your business process even more than with outbound calls. A misidentification of a caller can be costly if it goes unnoticed. For example, a package can be incorrectly sent to the wrong contact if the recipient details were looked up quickly by hand. A new contact’s phone number can be entered into Zoho CRM with a typo, making it impossible or time-consuming to reach that person by phone later on. Preventing the cost of such mistakes can make a huge difference over time.
The CloudCTI extension improves your customer experience. Customers will prefer a supplier that can help them quickly and without hassle. Making callers go through the arduous process of asking for long customer ID code that they type in manually is not optimal. It's even worse if you transfer the call to a colleague with another department and the caller needs to repeat the process. With automatic customer recognition and screen-pops, a customer will never have to endure this nonsense again.
Your staff prefers purposeful activities that contribute to their goals. They enjoy making calls with a single key press and looking up contacts with only a mouse click because less of their time is wasted on senseless number copying. Even if you only make one phone call per day, knowing that it has been made easy can improve employee happiness and motivation.
Key Features:
Click-to-dial: make outbound calls in a single click from all phone numbers within Zoho CRM.
Caller ID: immediately see a caller's name of the caller while the phone rings without leaving Zoho CRM.
Screen pop-ups for contacts or account details: quickly browse all a caller’s details and do follow-up actions such as sending an email to the caller or processing orders.
Automatic call registration: easily add a call result and notes to create a comprehensive overview of all telephony communication with your contacts.
Our mission is to create software to connect any communication device with any contact related application. Our services are low cost and universally priced.
Many business professionals still type in the phone numbers manually. This breaks the focus on the actual task and is prone to error every now and then. On an incoming call, it is necessary to ask for a customer ID, date of birth etc. Nobody does this in their private life. Why is it common in a professional environment? We want to change this for everyone. That is who we are.
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I would recommend you to try CloudCTI for Zoho CRM. It would add a lot more value to your CRM account.
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