ECB Euro Exchange Rates for Zoho CRM

Automatically get daily currency exchange rate updates in Zoho CRM based on the European Central Bank (ECB) Euro foreign exchange reference rates.

Built for: CRM Developed by: Svennis Cloud Solutions
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ECB Exchange Rates for Zoho CRM automatically retrieves exchange rates from the European Central Bank - Euro foreign exchange reference rates database and updates the exchange rate in your Zoho CRM account. You have the possibility to adjust the ECB exchange rates with a certain percentage using our WebTab as well as to update the exchange rate for each currency wherever you need it. At the same time, you have a custom module—Currencies Updates—where you can see all the updates that have been made to a currency's exchange rates or to the on-top percentage, as well as which user has done it and when. You also have the possibility to view the evolution chart for each of the exchange rates from within Zoho CRM by directly accessing the ECB Euro foreign exchange reference rates charts. This extension is specially designed for EU companies that have their main currency selected as EURO in Zoho CRM.

Key Features:

  • Automate daily exchange rate updates in Zoho CRM for all currencies based on the European Central Bank - Euro foreign exchange reference rates
  • Retrieve real-time exchange rates on demand from the European Central Bank using our ECB Exchange Rates Web Tab in Zoho CRM
  • Adjust ECB exchange rates with your required percentage using the ECB Exchange Rates Web Tab in Zoho CRM
  • See the full history of updates to exchange rates and the added percentage along with the details of which user updated it using the Currencies Updates module in Zoho CRM


Deployment type Zoho platform
Published date Sep 26, 2021
Category Marketing
Pricing Paid
Vendor Website

Compatible Editions

  • Standard
  • Professional
  • Enterprise
  • CRM Plus
  • Zoho One
  • Ultimate

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