Firmeo for Zoho CRM

Integrate Firmeo with Zoho CRM and bring in the most comprehensive company database in Romania.

Built for: CRM Developed by: Pro Futuro Consulting

In Firmeo, you can find detailed information about anyone doing business in Romania. Over 700,000 postal addresses, 340,000 email addresses, 464,000 phone numbers, 220,000 contacts for Facebook or LinkedIn companies . The Firmeo database helps you grow your portfolio. You have access to the entire company database in Romania, you can create personalized lists, and you can easily contact potential clients in the fields of your choice, all in one place. You can integrate the database with Zoho CRM, so you will always have up-to-date data.

Key Features:


    Deployment type Zoho platform
    Published date Jul 6, 2023
    Category Marketing
    Pricing Free
    Vendor Website

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