
An Email Marketing super app.

Built for: CRM Developed by: Zoho Corporation
11k+ Installs

With the MailChimp extension for Zoho CRM, you can now synchronize your Campaigns and Subscribers in MailChimp with Zoho CRM.

You also have the option of two-way synchronization, so you can choose whether you want to move data only from MailChimp to Zoho CRM or both ways. All of your contacts and leads will be imported based on your mapping settings, and your campaigns will be imported into the Zoho CRM campaigns module automatically.

Key Features:

    Tags :

    Deployment type Zoho platform
    Published date Jul 6, 2016
    Version 1.0
    Latest Released date Sep 4, 2024
    Category Marketing
    Pricing Free
    Vendor Website

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