My Followed Tickets for Zoho Desk

View a list of tickets you follow

Built for: Desk Developed by: Zoho Corporation
1.5k+ Installs

There are times when you might want to monitor an interesting ticket. It could be from a high priority customer, about a bug that you want to keep an eye on, or even simply an issue assigned to your team. You can follow tickets and get notified of their activities in the Notification Center, but what if you wanted to see all the tickets you have followed. That's when this extension can help you out. The extension conveniently lists the tickets you've followed in Zoho Desk. You can simply click on a ticket to view its details and then unfollow it if needed.

Key Features:

    Tags :

    Deployment type Zoho platform
    Published date Feb 27, 2020
    Version 1.0
    Latest Released date Feb 28, 2024
    Category Agent Productivity
    Pricing Free
    Vendor Website

    Compatible Editions

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