Email Validation for Zoho Inventory

Ensure data accuracy and quality with Email Validation

Built for: Inventory Developed by: Nexivo | Zoho Premium Partner

Email Validation for Zoho Inventory provides comprehensive email validation features for both the Customer and Vendor modules. This extension offers automatic and manual email validation, ensuring data accuracy and quality within Zoho Inventory.

Email Validation automatically updates the Email Status field, providing a clear indication of the email's validity. Additionally, the Message field is updated with relevant information, allowing you to quickly identify and address any related issues.

With Email Validation for Zoho Inventory, you can maintain clean and reliable email data, reduce communication errors, and enhance your overall inventory management efficiency.

Key Features:

    Tags :

    Deployment type Zoho platform
    Published date Jun 18, 2024
    Version 1.0
    Category Business
    Pricing Paid
    Vendor Website

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