Email to Lead for Zoho CRM

email2lead email-to-lead

Built for: CRM Developed by: CRMOZ
300+ Installs

The Email to Lead extension for Zoho CRM is the easiest way to create leads and fulfill the Lead data from incoming emails.
The Email to Lead extension captures emails sent to your company's mailbox and extracts data from the content. It does this by applying user-defined parsing rules and creates Leads in the CRM module.
This application helps you generate new sales, more revenue, and reduces the loss of potential customers.
Most importantly, it improves the productivity of your Sales Team.

Key Features:

    Tags :

    Deployment type Zoho platform
    Published date Dec 20, 2018
    Version 1.0
    Latest Released date Jan 22, 2020
    Category Productivity
    Pricing Paid
    Vendor Website

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