Zapier for ZeptoMail

Connect ZeptoMail with other applications and execute workflows using Zapier.

Built for: ZeptoMail Developed by: Zoho Corporation
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Zapier allows you to automate workflows between different applications. You can use pre-built zaps or create new zaps to set up a workflow.
Integrate ZeptoMail with Zapier to create workflows between your ZeptoMail account and other applications.

Key Features:

  • Create zaps with ZeptoMail as a trigger or action.
  • Set up ZeptoMail triggers based on email events like bounce,click or open.
  • Assign specific Mail Agent to create workflows and send emails.


Deployment type Built-in integrations
Published date Jul 13, 2023
Category Automation and Workflow
Pricing Free
Vendor Website

Compatible Editions

  • Free

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