Ticket Insights for Zoho Desk

View all your ticket stats in one place

Built for: Desk Developed by: Zoho Corporation
1.9k+ Installs

Customer support tickets comprise multiple components like conversations, tasks, and approvals. Usually, this information is scattered and must be gathered from different tabs and views on a ticket, taking up time. The Ticket Insights extension for Zoho Desk provides insights for each ticket like the number of responses sent and received, comments added, and average handling time. These insights enable you to measure the effectiveness of your agents and learn how your customers engage with your service

Key Features:

    Tags :

    Deployment type Zoho platform
    Published date Dec 17, 2018
    Version 1.0
    Latest Released date Sep 23, 2022
    Category Analytics & Reports
    Pricing Free
    Vendor Website

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