ABR Text Marketing Assistant for Zoho CRM

Scale your business with ABR Text Marketing Assistant

Built for: CRM Developed by: Amazing Business Results
100+ Installs

This extension will allow you to send and receive text messages from Zoho CRM using one Twilio phone number. This extension will also help you set up various SMS drip campaigns in an easy way. To make sure you don't miss any notifications, we added a Cliq bot for you which will notify you for every incoming SMS with a link to that particular record.

Join us every Wednesday at 1 PM EDT for free ABR extension webinar sessions. We can help you install, config and learn how to use the extension: https://liorizik.trainercentralsite.com/session/weekly-abr-extensions-webinar-3063124067

Key Features:

    Tags :

    Deployment type Zoho platform
    Published date Oct 26, 2022
    Version 2.0
    Latest Released date Aug 26, 2024
    Category Marketing
    Pricing Paid
    Vendor Website

    Compatible Editions

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